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STMicroelectronics STGD10NC60KD

Manufacturer Part Number : STGD10NC60KD
Manufacturer : STMicroelectronics
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Download Datasheet : STGD10NC60KD Details.PDF STGD10NC60KD PDF
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Stock Condition :In Stock 200, New Original
1 156 6359083 STMicroelectronics/STGD10NC60KD 6359083

Introduction to STGD10NC60KD

The STGD10NC60KD is a product manufactured by STMicroelectronics, one of the world-renowned semiconductor companies. This product is a N-channel Power MOSFET, designed with the objective of maximizing power efficiency in a wide range of applications including power supply and motor drive applications. The STGD10NC60KD is encapsulated within an IGBT Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor package, which offers an optimal trade-off between switching performance and low on-state behavior.

Key Specifications of STGD10NC60KD

The STGD10NC60KD stands out due to its high voltage rating of 600V, which makes it suitable for applications that demand high voltage regulation. It also features a low on-resistance, or RDS(on), which ensures minimal energy loss during operation, and consequently, enhanced power efficiency. Moreover, it possesses a 10A Drain Current, which provides for robust operation even when driving high-power loads.

Additional Features

Other noteworthy features of the STGD10NC60KD include its fast switching speed, which makes it ideal for high-frequency applications. The product also provides a high level of immunity against parasitic turn-on phenomenon. This attribute, in conjunction with its inherent ruggedness, contributes significantly to the product’s long operational life and reliability.


The STGD10NC60KD, with its superior power efficiency and robust performance, finds extensive use in a variety of applications such as Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS), Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), and motor drives among others. It is also suitable for high-frequency circuits and DC-DC converters, thanks to its fast switching speed.

  • Voltage Rating: 600V
  • RDS(on): Low on-resistance
  • Drain Current: 10A
  • Switching Speed: Fast
  • Parasitic Turn-On Immunity: High

STMicroelectronics is the manufacturer of the STGD10NC60KD, which is available in stock at Nantian. The reference price for STGD10NC60KD can be found by referring to infineon tech or Nantian's listings. For detailed parameters and understanding its functionality, you can refer to the STGD10NC60KD datasheet PDF and pin diagram description that are available for download.

The STGD10NC60KD has a wide range of applications as outlined in DSP Datasheet PDF. To further understand how it works, you can find usage methods along with circuit diagrams within these resources. For comprehensive electronics tutorials on using this component, these documents should prove highly beneficial.

All relevant information including datasheets, pin diagrams, circuit diagrams and tutorials related to STGD10NC60KD could be downloaded from Nantian's platform.

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Product Details

Introduction to STGD10NC60KD

The STGD10NC60KD is a product manufactured by STMicroelectronics, one of the world-renowned semiconductor companies. This product is a N-channel Power MOSFET, designed with the objective of maximizing power efficiency in a wide range of applications including power supply and motor drive applications. The STGD10NC60KD is encapsulated within an IGBT Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor package, which offers an optimal trade-off between switching performance and low on-state behavior.

Key Specifications of STGD10NC60KD

The STGD10NC60KD stands out due to its high voltage rating of 600V, which makes it suitable for applications that demand high voltage regulation. It also features a low on-resistance, or RDS(on), which ensures minimal energy loss during operation, and consequently, enhanced power efficiency. Moreover, it possesses a 10A Drain Current, which provides for robust operation even when driving high-power loads.

Additional Features

Other noteworthy features of the STGD10NC60KD include its fast switching speed, which makes it ideal for high-frequency applications. The product also provides a high level of immunity against parasitic turn-on phenomenon. This attribute, in conjunction with its inherent ruggedness, contributes significantly to the product’s long operational life and reliability.


The STGD10NC60KD, with its superior power efficiency and robust performance, finds extensive use in a variety of applications such as Switch Mode Power Supplies (SMPS), Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), and motor drives among others. It is also suitable for high-frequency circuits and DC-DC converters, thanks to its fast switching speed.

  • Voltage Rating: 600V
  • RDS(on): Low on-resistance
  • Drain Current: 10A
  • Switching Speed: Fast
  • Parasitic Turn-On Immunity: High

STMicroelectronics is the manufacturer of the STGD10NC60KD, which is available in stock at Nantian. The reference price for STGD10NC60KD can be found by referring to infineon tech or Nantian's listings. For detailed parameters and understanding its functionality, you can refer to the STGD10NC60KD datasheet PDF and pin diagram description that are available for download.

The STGD10NC60KD has a wide range of applications as outlined in DSP Datasheet PDF. To further understand how it works, you can find usage methods along with circuit diagrams within these resources. For comprehensive electronics tutorials on using this component, these documents should prove highly beneficial.

All relevant information including datasheets, pin diagrams, circuit diagrams and tutorials related to STGD10NC60KD could be downloaded from Nantian's platform.

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