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TDK Corporation C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N

Manufacturer Part Number : C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N
Manufacturer : TDK Corporation
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N.PDF C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N PDF
Download Datasheet : C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N Details.PDF C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N PDF
EDA / CAD Models : C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 8000, New Original
1 156 6283611 TDK-Corporation/C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N 6283611

C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N: A Versatile Capacitor from TDK Corporation

The C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N is a high-performance capacitor manufactured by the renowned TDK Corporation. This compact and reliable component is designed to cater to a wide range of applications, making it a versatile choice for electronic engineers and enthusiasts alike.

At the core of the C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N is a robust X7R dielectric material, which ensures exceptional stability and reliability across a broad temperature range. This dielectric, combined with TDK's advanced manufacturing techniques, allows the capacitor to maintain its capacitance and performance characteristics even in demanding environments.

One of the standout features of the C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N is its impressive capacitance value of 10 microfarads (μF). This substantial capacitance makes the component ideal for filtering, bypassing, and decoupling applications, where it can effectively smooth out voltage fluctuations and provide stable power delivery.

The capacitor's compact 3216 (EIA) package size, measuring just 3.2 mm x 1.6 mm, allows for efficient utilization of board space, making it a popular choice for space-constrained designs. Despite its small footprint, the C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N boasts a rated voltage of 16 volts (V), ensuring reliable performance even in high-power circuits.

Versatility is a hallmark of the C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N, as it is suitable for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Power supply filtering and bypassing
  • Decoupling for high-speed digital circuits
  • Coupling and blocking applications
  • Smoothing and stabilizing analog circuits
  • General-purpose capacitance requirements in electronic devices

The C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N's exceptional performance, reliability, and versatility make it a compelling choice for designers and engineers seeking a high-quality capacitor solution. With its robust construction and TDK's renowned manufacturing expertise, this capacitor is sure to deliver reliable and consistent performance in a wide array of electronic applications.

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Product Details

C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N: A Versatile Capacitor from TDK Corporation

The C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N is a high-performance capacitor manufactured by the renowned TDK Corporation. This compact and reliable component is designed to cater to a wide range of applications, making it a versatile choice for electronic engineers and enthusiasts alike.

At the core of the C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N is a robust X7R dielectric material, which ensures exceptional stability and reliability across a broad temperature range. This dielectric, combined with TDK's advanced manufacturing techniques, allows the capacitor to maintain its capacitance and performance characteristics even in demanding environments.

One of the standout features of the C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N is its impressive capacitance value of 10 microfarads (μF). This substantial capacitance makes the component ideal for filtering, bypassing, and decoupling applications, where it can effectively smooth out voltage fluctuations and provide stable power delivery.

The capacitor's compact 3216 (EIA) package size, measuring just 3.2 mm x 1.6 mm, allows for efficient utilization of board space, making it a popular choice for space-constrained designs. Despite its small footprint, the C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N boasts a rated voltage of 16 volts (V), ensuring reliable performance even in high-power circuits.

Versatility is a hallmark of the C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N, as it is suitable for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Power supply filtering and bypassing
  • Decoupling for high-speed digital circuits
  • Coupling and blocking applications
  • Smoothing and stabilizing analog circuits
  • General-purpose capacitance requirements in electronic devices

The C3216X7R1C106KT0Y9N's exceptional performance, reliability, and versatility make it a compelling choice for designers and engineers seeking a high-quality capacitor solution. With its robust construction and TDK's renowned manufacturing expertise, this capacitor is sure to deliver reliable and consistent performance in a wide array of electronic applications.

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