AMI Semiconductor (ON Semiconductor)
AMI Semiconductor, now known as ON Semiconductor, is a well-established manufacturer of semiconductors. The company was originally founded in Pocatello, Idaho, United States, in 1966. With a strong history spanning over half a century, the company has been key in the evolution of the semiconductor industry. Its dedication to innovation and quality has garnered a strong reputation in the tech world.
ON Semiconductor has an extensive product catalogue, diversifying over the years to fit the changing needs of a technologically progressive society. Its portfolio comprises a wide array of semiconductor solutions including power and signal management, logic, discrete, and custom devices. These products cater to a broad range of sectors, such as automotive, communications, computing, consumer, industrial, medical, and aerospace segments. This vast product range cements the company's position as a one-stop-shop for semiconductor solutions.
Founded in 1966 in Pocatello, Idaho.
A broad spectrum of semiconductor solutions including power and signal management, logic, discrete, and custom devices.
Serves diverse sectors such as automotive, communications, computing, consumer, industrial, medical, and aerospace.