An encoder is a device used in a variety of applications to convert motion or position information into either analog or digital signals. They are a subtype of sensors and transducers, with their main function being to generate digital data based on the physical parameter they're measuring. This includes the measurement and conversion of rotational motion into a series of electronic pulses. Encoders come in two primary types: absolute and incremental. The absolute encoders provide a unique digital output for each position while the incremental encoders produce digital pulses as the encoder moves, thereby tracking position relative to a known starting point.
Encoders are essential tools in many industrial applications, particularly where precise tracking of a device or component's position is necessary. They are utilized in areas like robotics, CNC machining, and automated systems, etc. Their specific design and functionality allow for precise tracking, alignment, speed, and direction control, which are crucial for the seamless operations of these systems. Renowned manufacturers of encoders include Bourns Inc., Broadcom Limited, Honeywell Sensing and Control, Omron Automation and Safety, and Panasonic Electronic Components.