Cmedia, established in 1991, initially rose to prominence as a designer of audio chips, marking its early industry impact with a successful PCI multi-channel chip. This breakthrough was followed by a consequential pivot into PC motherboard audio solutions, specifically the AC’97 audio codec standard, which later evolved as part of the Intel High Definition Audio specification. Such innovations secured Cmedia's reputation as a key player in the audio technology field.
As digital family entertainment burgeoned, Cmedia adeptly transitioned into the USB audio sector, quickly establishing leadership in this arena. The company expanded its technological horizon by developing exclusive audio solutions that simulate realistic theater audio effects, collaborating with leading audio brands to achieve this. Cmedia’s technological advancements didn't stop at hardware; they also ventured into sophisticated software technologies and recently integrated music services. These services uniquely combine music, images, and lyrics, thereby pioneering a novel audio format that provides real-time karaoke content, enriching the user experience with multifaceted entertainment options.