Dielectric Laboratories
Dielectric Laboratories, operating under the umbrella of Knowles Precision Devices, is a renowned global supplier providing crucial components for a variety of high-tech industries. These sectors include optical and wireless communications, defense, medical, semiconductor, aerospace, and transportation markets. Each of these fields often requires highly precise and quality-tested components to ensure their operations, which can range from telecommunications to advanced medical procedures, perform efficiently and reliably.
Outstanding among their offerings are High Q Multi-Layer Capacitors (MLCs) and Broadband Direct Current (DC) blocks. High Q MLCs are used in numerous applications due to their ability to provide high stability and low losses, especially at higher frequencies. This makes them preferred components in radio frequency (RF) and microwave circuits for both industrial and military applications.
Equally notable, Broadband DC Blocks serve essential functions in many RF systems and subsystems, including eliminating unwanted DC voltages or diverting DC power to where it is needed. Such capabilities make them invaluable in a variety of applications, ranging from RF communications to radar systems.