Elantec, established in 1983 and based in California, USA, focuses on high-performance enhanced analog integrated circuits (ICs) used in various sectors, including video/multimedia, data processing, instrumentation, and communication. The company targets four key markets: Video, Integrated DC-DC converters, Optical Storage, and XDSL, offering both standard and application-specific standard products (ASSPs).
Elantec operates as an independent semiconductor company with full production capabilities, including wafer production and testing. It currently offers around 150 types of analog products, including amplifiers, buffers, driver circuits, faders, and ADSL transceivers, alongside multiplexing circuits and much more. Additionally, the company manufactures power management products, laser driver circuits for optical storage, and communication products. This vast range of offerings reflects Elantec's commitment to innovation, versatility, and a comprehensive approach to the semiconductor industry.