IDEC Corporation, established in 1945, is dedicated to creating the "Optimum Environment for Humans and Machines." Committed to both reducing environmental impact and enhancing safety, IDEC embodies a "Save & Safety" philosophy in their advanced products and technology design.
With machines becoming increasingly essential to the modern industry, their evolution and control systems have also become complex and sophisticated. IDEC steps up to meet this challenge, with their mission focused on providing cutting-edge systems while simultaneously fostering a safe and sustainable society.
The goal of IDEC is not just to be a participant, but to lead the future of automation. To achieve this ambition, they leverage their wealth of technology, accumulated expertise, and human resources. Always seeking fresh challenges and pushing innovation boundaries, they strive to serve as the best possible partner for their global customers, meeting diverse needs and driving collaborative success.
As IDEC continuously evolves to keep pace with the fast-changing landscape of industrial automation, their foundational commitments to safety, sustainability, and partnership remain constant guiding principles, showcasing their dedication to achieving symbiosis between humans and machines.