Peregrine Semiconductor
Peregrine Semiconductor, now known as pSemi Corporation, is a global provider of high-performance Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits (RFICs). The company's renowned reputation in the semiconductor industry began in 1988 when it was originally established in San Diego, California. This groundbreaking company was the first to introduce Silicon on Sapphire technology, pioneering a new era in the semiconductor manufacturing process.
Over the years, Peregrine Semiconductor has specialized in delivering innovative semiconductor products that meet the highly specific requirements of a wide variety of industries. Primarily, their portfolio includes high-performance RFICs that find their utilization in areas such as wireless communication, aerospace, test and measurement equipment, and broadband applications. The company is known for its state-of-the-art UltraCMOS technology, a patented variation of Silicon on Insulator (SOI) that delivers a unique combination of performance and power efficiency.
- Founding Year: 1988
- Website:
- Headquarters: San Diego, California
- Main product categories: RFICs for wireless communication, aerospace, test and measurement equipment, broadband applications