SCS, also known as Semiconductor Coating Systems, is a towering figure in the technological industry, specifically within the realm of semiconductor manufacturing. This pioneering firm was established in the year 1970, placing its roots firmly in the Silicon Valley, California, a globally recognized location for transformative advancements in technology.
With five decades of experience under its belt, SCS has played an instrumental role in shaping the technological landscape we are familiar with today. It has distinguished itself through the manufacturing of a vast array of semiconductor products. Primarily, the company focuses on the production of Integrated Circuits (ICs), which serve as the backbone of electronic devices. Moreover, they manufacture various kinds of transistors, diodes, and microprocessors, further cementing their place as leaders in their field.
- Established in 1970
- Located in Silicon Valley, California
- Main product category: Integrated Circuits (ICs)
- Also manufactures transistors, diodes, and microprocessors