Common Mode Chokes are a type of filter used in electronic components to reduce or block common mode noise in a system. This type of noise typically arises from factors like stray electromagnetic fields, electrical interference, or circuit design issues, and can disrupt the proper functioning of electronic devices. The primary function of Common Mode Chokes is to isolate this noise and prevent its proliferation through the system, thereby ensuring smoother and more reliable operation of the device.
Common Mode Chokes are widely used in various applications like power supply lines, audio lines, and communication lines among others. Their specific instructions or design can vary according to the specific application in which they are being used. For instance, in power supply lines, they are used to filter out high-frequency noise which could otherwise cause the power supply to become unstable. The main characteristics of these chokes include high impedance, excellent noise suppression capability, and compact size. Major manufacturers of Common Mode Chokes include companies like TDK, Murata, and Wurth Electronics.