Embedded - Microcontroller (MCU) or Microprocessor (MPU) Modules are compact Integrated Circuits (ICs) designed to operate as the central Intelligence of electronic devices. These modules function as the brains of a system, controlling the interactions and data processing within a wide range of applications. The key functions of these modules include executing pre-programmed instructions, managing data inputs and outputs, and ensuring smooth operation of embedded systems. They are equipped with a processor core, memory, and programmable input/output peripherals, which are essential for tasks such as sensing, actuating, and communication.
The main uses for these Modules span across various industries, including automotive, consumer electronics, medical devices, and industrial automation. They are characterized by their ability to provide reliable and efficient performance in processing tasks, low power consumption for battery-powered applications, and varying levels of computational power suitable for simple to complex systems. Some of the notable manufacturers of Embedded - Microcontroller or Microprocessor Modules include Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Microchip, Texas Instruments, and STMicroelectronics.