Embedded Systems on Chip, commonly known as SoCs, are Integrated Circuits (ICs) that consolidate all the components of a computer or other electronic systems onto a single, compact chip. The main functionality of an SoC is to host the central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output ports, and secondary storage – all on a singular substrate or base, enabling compact and energy-efficient designs. This powerful integration allows SoCs to be the 'brain' of an electronic device, managing data processing, communications, and control functions with remarkable efficiency.
SoCs are primarily utilized in a myriad of electronic devices, ranging from smartphones and tablets to wearables and automotive systems. Their main characteristics include their low power consumption, small form factor, and high reliability, making them ideal for portable and space-sensitive applications. This product is an enabler of the modern smart technology ecosystem, underpinning the functionality of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, smart home gadgets, and advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) in vehicles. Notable manufacturers specializing in the production of Embedded Systems on Chip (SoC) include Qualcomm, Apple, Samsung, Intel, and MediaTek, amongst others.