I/O Relay Modules, also known as Input/Output Relay Modules, are integral components in electronic circuits. They are essentially switches that open and close circuits electromechanically or electronically. Main functions of these modules include enabling a low power signal to control a higher power circuit, isolation of circuits, and variation of output of a circuit without changing the input. The primary purpose is to control a large amount of voltage and current by a small amount of voltage or current.
These modules are engineered keeping in mind specific applications like industrial automation, home automation systems, automotive electronic devices, and many others. Having properties like long life, rapid response speed, low power consumption, and ability to handle and switch between multiple devices making it a convenient choice. For instance, in home automation, I/O Relay Modules are used to control lighting systems, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. In industrial automation, they help to control motors, solenoids, and other heavy load devices. In automotive electronics, they are utilized to control the high power circuits of airbags, power doors, power windows, and others. Thus, they serve as an essential eLEMent in a diverse array of applications, providing safety, convenience, and efficiency in operation.