SCRs, or Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, are semiconductor modules that specifically function as electronic switches in various applications. These devices are primarily used to control electrical power and voltage. They only allow current to flow in one direction, similar to a diode, but with the added ability to regulate the amount of current. Their primary responsibilities include switching, converting and rectifying the electric power. This makes SCRs incredibly useful in areas where power control is essential, such as motor controls, heating eLEMents, and lighting systems.
The notable feature of SCRs is their versatile application based on user-specific instructions. For example, in the case of a motor control, the SCR could be programmed to regulate the voltage in a way that controls the speed of the motor. Alternatively, in a heating system, the SCR could be configured to regulate electrical flow entering the heating eLEMent, therefore controlling the temperature. This adaptability is one of the key uses and characteristics of SCRs. Several manufacturers like Infineon, ON Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments, and Vishay produce SCRs targeting diverse applications, reinforcing its utility in the field of electronics.