TVS (Transient Voltage Suppressor) - Mixed Technology components are specialized electronic devices designed to protect sensitive circuits from voltage spikes and surges. These components typically combine various technologies, such as zener diodes, avalanche breakdown diodes, and other semiconductor technologies, to provide robust protection against transient voltages. The main function of these devices is to quickly respond to voltage spikes by clamping or blocking excess voltage, thereby preventing damage to the circuit components they protect.
TVS - Mixed Technology devices are commonly used in industries where electronic equipment is susceptible to damage from electrical surges, such as telecommunications, automotive, and consumer electronics. They are essential in environments where equipment is exposed to harsh electrical conditions, ensuring the longevity and reliability of the devices. The characteristics of these products include fast response times, high energy absorption capability, and the ability to withstand repeated transient events without degradation. Manufacturers of TVS - Mixed Technology include companies like Littelfuse, STMicroelectronics, and Vishay.