The FDT439N, produced by ON Semiconductor, is an N-Channel enhancement mode power field effect transistor (MOSFET). It is built using ON Semiconductor's proprietary, high cell density, DMOS technology. This advanced technology allows the FDT439N to have a very high density process, which is tailored to minimize on-state resistance and provide superior switching performance. The device is capable of handling 6.3A at 30V and exhibits low on-state resistance (RDS(on)) of 0.045 at VGS = 4.5V and 0.058 at VGS = 2.5V, indicating efficient operation.
As a professional Fairchild Semiconductor distributor, Nantian Electronics has a large number of FDT439N in stock. We also provide FDT439N parameters, FDT439N Datasheet PDF and pin diagram instructions for download.
DC/DC Converter
Load Switch
Motor Driving
What is the drain to source voltage (Vdss) of the FDT439N?
The drain to source voltage (Vdss) of the FDT439N is 30V.
What is the continuous drain current (Id) of the FDT439N at 25°C?
The continuous drain current (Id) of the FDT439N at 25°C is 6.3A.