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SiTime SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z

Manufacturer Part Number : SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z
Manufacturer : SiTime
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z.PDF SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z PDF
Download Datasheet : SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z Details.PDF SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z PDF
EDA / CAD Models : SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 344, New Original
1 156 5683774 SiTime/SIT8102AC-42-25E-25-000625Z 5683774

Introduction to SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z from SiTime

The SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z is an advanced oscillator module manufactured by the globally renowned SiTime Corporation. This company specializes in the production of silicon-based MEMS resources and leads the market in providing reliable and efficient timing solutions.

Unique Features

The SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z device is packed with remarkable features that set it apart from regular oscillator modules. It offers a frequency range of 1 to 220 MHz, making it extremely versatile for different applications. On top of that, this product illustrates a frequency stability as low as ±20 ppm, promoting precise and accurate operations.

Design and Construction

The design and construction of the SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z are worth noting. It exhibits a compact design that optimally saves space and makes it a convenient choice irrespective of the size of the system it is being integrated in. It adopts a 2.5 x 2.0 mm footprint, enhancing its adaptability in diverse settings.

Operational Efficiency

This device assures operational efficiency with exemplary temperature stability and low emissions. The SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z operates at a temperature range of -40°C to 85°C, managing to maintain its commendable performance under harsh conditions. Its low jitter design ensures minimal noise interference, thus optimizing the system's overall performance.


The SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z is widely utilized in various applications due to its robust features. Some of its common applications include networking equipment such as routers and switches, digital video and audio devices, and other electronic devices demanding high-quality and reliable timing solutions.

  • Networking equipment (routers, switches)
  • Digital video and audio devices
  • Other electronic devices demanding high-quality timing solutions

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Product Details

Introduction to SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z from SiTime

The SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z is an advanced oscillator module manufactured by the globally renowned SiTime Corporation. This company specializes in the production of silicon-based MEMS resources and leads the market in providing reliable and efficient timing solutions.

Unique Features

The SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z device is packed with remarkable features that set it apart from regular oscillator modules. It offers a frequency range of 1 to 220 MHz, making it extremely versatile for different applications. On top of that, this product illustrates a frequency stability as low as ±20 ppm, promoting precise and accurate operations.

Design and Construction

The design and construction of the SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z are worth noting. It exhibits a compact design that optimally saves space and makes it a convenient choice irrespective of the size of the system it is being integrated in. It adopts a 2.5 x 2.0 mm footprint, enhancing its adaptability in diverse settings.

Operational Efficiency

This device assures operational efficiency with exemplary temperature stability and low emissions. The SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z operates at a temperature range of -40°C to 85°C, managing to maintain its commendable performance under harsh conditions. Its low jitter design ensures minimal noise interference, thus optimizing the system's overall performance.


The SIT8102AC-42-25E-25.000625Z is widely utilized in various applications due to its robust features. Some of its common applications include networking equipment such as routers and switches, digital video and audio devices, and other electronic devices demanding high-quality and reliable timing solutions.

  • Networking equipment (routers, switches)
  • Digital video and audio devices
  • Other electronic devices demanding high-quality timing solutions

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