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SiTime SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y

Manufacturer Part Number : SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y
Manufacturer : SiTime
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y.PDF SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y PDF
Download Datasheet : SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y Details.PDF SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y PDF
EDA / CAD Models : SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 450, New Original
1 156 5683780 SiTime/SIT8103AC-22-33E-74-25000Y 5683780

Introducing the SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y by SiTime

The SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y is a state-of-the-art oscillator produced by the renowned manufacturer SiTime. Hailed as a leader in the semiconductor industry, SiTime is known for creating high-performance, resilient and reliable products and this specific oscillator is no exception.

Product Specifications and Key Features

The SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y operates with a frequency range of 1MHz to 80MHz. It offers exceptional stability, with a temperature stability of ±50 ppm, proving its operational resilience under variant temperature conditions. With an industrial operating temperature range from -40°C to +85°C, the device can withstand severe conditions and still deliver consistent performance.

  • Frequency: 74.25 MHz
  • Frequency Stability: ±50ppm
  • Operating Temperature: -40°C to +85°C
  • Supply Voltage: 2.5V to 3.3V

Standout Attributes and Benefits

The SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y stands apart due to its high frequency precision and stability, which reduces timing errors and improves overall system performance. Coupled with this, its low jitter and phase noise enhance signal integrity, ensuring a high-quality output even under demanding operating conditions.

Innovative Design and Longevity

SiTime's SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y reflects an innovative design approach, characterized by its small 6-SMD, no lead (6.0 x 3.5mm) package. Moreover, the product promises a long operational life with an impressive 500 million hours mean time between failures (MTBF). This oscillator is built for longevity, guaranteeing dependable and long-term use.

  • Package / Case: 6-SMD, no lead (6.0 x 3.5mm)
  • Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): 500 million hours

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Product Details

Introducing the SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y by SiTime

The SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y is a state-of-the-art oscillator produced by the renowned manufacturer SiTime. Hailed as a leader in the semiconductor industry, SiTime is known for creating high-performance, resilient and reliable products and this specific oscillator is no exception.

Product Specifications and Key Features

The SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y operates with a frequency range of 1MHz to 80MHz. It offers exceptional stability, with a temperature stability of ±50 ppm, proving its operational resilience under variant temperature conditions. With an industrial operating temperature range from -40°C to +85°C, the device can withstand severe conditions and still deliver consistent performance.

  • Frequency: 74.25 MHz
  • Frequency Stability: ±50ppm
  • Operating Temperature: -40°C to +85°C
  • Supply Voltage: 2.5V to 3.3V

Standout Attributes and Benefits

The SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y stands apart due to its high frequency precision and stability, which reduces timing errors and improves overall system performance. Coupled with this, its low jitter and phase noise enhance signal integrity, ensuring a high-quality output even under demanding operating conditions.

Innovative Design and Longevity

SiTime's SIT8103AC-22-33E-74.25000Y reflects an innovative design approach, characterized by its small 6-SMD, no lead (6.0 x 3.5mm) package. Moreover, the product promises a long operational life with an impressive 500 million hours mean time between failures (MTBF). This oscillator is built for longevity, guaranteeing dependable and long-term use.

  • Package / Case: 6-SMD, no lead (6.0 x 3.5mm)
  • Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): 500 million hours

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