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SiTime SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y

Manufacturer Part Number : SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y
Manufacturer : SiTime
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y.PDF SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y PDF
Download Datasheet : SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y Details.PDF SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y PDF
EDA / CAD Models : SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 1000, New Original
1 156 5683783 SiTime/SIT8103AC-42-33E-12-00000Y 5683783

Introducing the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y

The SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y is a high-quality, top-tier product from the highly reputable manufacturer, SiTime. This component falls under the category of oscillators, which are critical in managing signal frequencies in various electronics and sophisticated equipment.

Key Features

This particular model boasts a wealth of impressive features, that underline its top-tier status within SiTime's product line. Some of the standout features are its exceptional stability, low power consumption, and wide frequency range.

  • The SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y is renowned for its robust stability. Regardless of temperature fluctuations or voltage variations, this component will operate in a reliable, consistent manner.

  • Another impressive feature of the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y model is its low power consumption, making it a highly energy-efficient component. The energy-saving attribute makes this oscillator an ideal choice for applications that require extended battery life.

  • With its wide frequency range, the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y provides great versatility, making it suitable for a broad range of applications. This flexibility sets the product apart from many other components in the market.


The applications of the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y are extensive and varied. Given its significant features, this oscillator is ideal for an array of electronics and sophisticated equipment such as medical devices, industrial machinery, and telecommunications equipment.

  • In medical devices, its stable and reliable operation ensures accurate diagnostics and monitoring, while its low power consumption is critical for portable medical apparatus that rely heavily on battery life.

  • Industrial machinery can also benefit greatly from the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y due to its robustness and reliability under various operating conditions. This reliability translates into less machine downtime and increased productivity.

  • In telecommunications equipment, the wide frequency range adaptability of the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y can support multiple communication channels, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of data transmission.

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Product Details

Introducing the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y

The SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y is a high-quality, top-tier product from the highly reputable manufacturer, SiTime. This component falls under the category of oscillators, which are critical in managing signal frequencies in various electronics and sophisticated equipment.

Key Features

This particular model boasts a wealth of impressive features, that underline its top-tier status within SiTime's product line. Some of the standout features are its exceptional stability, low power consumption, and wide frequency range.

  • The SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y is renowned for its robust stability. Regardless of temperature fluctuations or voltage variations, this component will operate in a reliable, consistent manner.

  • Another impressive feature of the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y model is its low power consumption, making it a highly energy-efficient component. The energy-saving attribute makes this oscillator an ideal choice for applications that require extended battery life.

  • With its wide frequency range, the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y provides great versatility, making it suitable for a broad range of applications. This flexibility sets the product apart from many other components in the market.


The applications of the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y are extensive and varied. Given its significant features, this oscillator is ideal for an array of electronics and sophisticated equipment such as medical devices, industrial machinery, and telecommunications equipment.

  • In medical devices, its stable and reliable operation ensures accurate diagnostics and monitoring, while its low power consumption is critical for portable medical apparatus that rely heavily on battery life.

  • Industrial machinery can also benefit greatly from the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y due to its robustness and reliability under various operating conditions. This reliability translates into less machine downtime and increased productivity.

  • In telecommunications equipment, the wide frequency range adaptability of the SIT8103AC-42-33E-12.00000Y can support multiple communication channels, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of data transmission.

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