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SiTime SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000

Manufacturer Part Number : SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000
Manufacturer : SiTime
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000.PDF SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 PDF
Download Datasheet : SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 Details.PDF SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 PDF
EDA / CAD Models : SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 76, New Original
1 156 6236573 SiTime/SIT8103AI-12-33E-25-00000 6236573

Introduction to SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000

The SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 is a remarkable product from the renowned manufacturer SiTime. It is fundamentally a programmable oscillator, designed to offer reliable frequency control solutions for a wide range of applications. Designed with advanced technologies, it can withstand a variety of environmental conditions, ensuring prolonged usability.

Key Features and Specifications

The SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 possesses a variety of salient features which make it stand out in the frequency control market.

  • It works at a supply voltage of 3.3V, which is quite efficient and reliable, offering ample power to function at optimum levels.
  • It operates at a frequency of 25MHz, ensuring fast and stable output.
  • The device uses CMOS output format, efficiently enhancing the logic levels of the signal and ensuring clear and noise-free frequency generation.
  • This product offers a temperature range from -40 to 85 degrees Celsius, showcasing its high level of resilience and adaptability under varying conditions.
  • The SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 is made to have a low jitter, signaling its capability to provide a clean signal with less deviation.


The SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 is widely used in a range of applications due to its stellar features and high performance.

  • It is extensively used in network synchronization.
  • This oscillator is commonly applied in test and measurement applications.
  • The product is an excellent fit for radio frequency identification (RFID) applications.
  • Another significant application area is in wireless and wireline communication systems.

Final Remarks

Offering exceptional performance and versatility, the SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 from SiTime is more than just a programmable oscillator. It is a reliable and resilient piece of technology that can enhance your frequency control capabilities to a great extent. Whether you want to use it for network synchronization or in computing applications, it is a device well worth your consideration.

SiTime is the manufacturer of the SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000, which is available in stock at Nantian. The reference price for SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 can be found by referring to SiTime corp or Nantian's listings. For detailed parameters and understanding its functionality, you can refer to the SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 datasheet PDF and pin diagram description that are available for download.

The SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 has a wide range of applications as outlined in DSP Datasheet PDF. To further understand how it works, you can find usage methods along with circuit diagrams within these resources. For comprehensive electronics tutorials on using this component, these documents should prove highly beneficial.

All relevant information including datasheets, pin diagrams, circuit diagrams and tutorials related to SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 could be downloaded from Nantian's platform.

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Product Details

Introduction to SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000

The SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 is a remarkable product from the renowned manufacturer SiTime. It is fundamentally a programmable oscillator, designed to offer reliable frequency control solutions for a wide range of applications. Designed with advanced technologies, it can withstand a variety of environmental conditions, ensuring prolonged usability.

Key Features and Specifications

The SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 possesses a variety of salient features which make it stand out in the frequency control market.

  • It works at a supply voltage of 3.3V, which is quite efficient and reliable, offering ample power to function at optimum levels.
  • It operates at a frequency of 25MHz, ensuring fast and stable output.
  • The device uses CMOS output format, efficiently enhancing the logic levels of the signal and ensuring clear and noise-free frequency generation.
  • This product offers a temperature range from -40 to 85 degrees Celsius, showcasing its high level of resilience and adaptability under varying conditions.
  • The SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 is made to have a low jitter, signaling its capability to provide a clean signal with less deviation.


The SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 is widely used in a range of applications due to its stellar features and high performance.

  • It is extensively used in network synchronization.
  • This oscillator is commonly applied in test and measurement applications.
  • The product is an excellent fit for radio frequency identification (RFID) applications.
  • Another significant application area is in wireless and wireline communication systems.

Final Remarks

Offering exceptional performance and versatility, the SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 from SiTime is more than just a programmable oscillator. It is a reliable and resilient piece of technology that can enhance your frequency control capabilities to a great extent. Whether you want to use it for network synchronization or in computing applications, it is a device well worth your consideration.

SiTime is the manufacturer of the SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000, which is available in stock at Nantian. The reference price for SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 can be found by referring to SiTime corp or Nantian's listings. For detailed parameters and understanding its functionality, you can refer to the SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 datasheet PDF and pin diagram description that are available for download.

The SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 has a wide range of applications as outlined in DSP Datasheet PDF. To further understand how it works, you can find usage methods along with circuit diagrams within these resources. For comprehensive electronics tutorials on using this component, these documents should prove highly beneficial.

All relevant information including datasheets, pin diagrams, circuit diagrams and tutorials related to SIT8103AI-12-33E-25.00000 could be downloaded from Nantian's platform.

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