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STMicroelectronics ST92195C781/MSP

Manufacturer Part Number : ST92195C781/MSP
Manufacturer : STMicroelectronics
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : ST92195C781/MSP.PDF ST92195C781/MSP PDF
Download Datasheet : ST92195C781/MSP Details.PDF ST92195C781/MSP PDF
EDA / CAD Models : ST92195C781/MSP by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 1620, New Original
1 156 6358652 STMicroelectronics/ST92195C781-MSP 6358652

Introduction to ST92195C7B1/MSP from STMicroelectronics

The ST92195C7B1/MSP by STMicroelectronics is a high-potential, industry-leading microcontroller unit (MCU) that plays a pivotal role in electronics and systems that require sophisticated control mechanisms. It’s produced by the renowned manufacturer, STMicroelectronics, who is globally recognized for their advanced semiconductors, and systems that enhance the function of electronic devices across various sectors.

Core Features of the ST92195C7B1/MSP

This microcontroller stands out due to its exceptional features that enhance its efficiency and functionality. ST92195C7B1/MSP is designed with a powerful core, advanced peripherals, and enriched with superior memory capacity.

  • The ST92195C7B1/MSP sports a powerful CPU core that is based on the high-performing CISC architecture which offers it the ability to professionally handle complex tasks and operations.

  • This microcontroller possesses an impressive memory system. It incorporates both ROM and RAM, each offering substantial memory space, thus ensuring efficient and smooth operation.

  • ST92195C7B1/MSP also includes multiple peripherals. These additional features, such as timers, communication interfaces, and ports, enhance the device’s flexibility and make it applicable in various electronic systems.

Applications and Uses of the ST92195C7B1/MSP

Owing to its cutting-edge technology and versatile design, the ST92195C7B1/MSP is highly applicable in various sectors. It can be used effectively both in industrial and consumer electronics, from simple devices to complex systems.

  • Its robust processing capabilities make it ideal for controlling various industrial systems such as motor control, automation, and power management systems.

  • In consumer electronics, the ST92195C7B1/MSP can be applied in managing different functions in devices like televisions, home appliances, or personal computers due to its sophisticated control mechanisms.

ST92195C7B1/MSP Superior Quality and Performance

The ST92195C7B1/MSP embodies the quality and reliability that STMicroelectronics is renowned for. By incorporating this microcontroller into your electronic devices, you're assured of enhanced performance and durability.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the ST92195C7B1/MSP microcontroller by STMicroelectronics is a top-tier product with numerous features and an impressive track record for performance and reliability. Its versatility allows for broad applicability, making it a worthy addition to any electronics-related project or application.

STMicroelectronics is the manufacturer of the ST92195C781/MSP, which is available in stock at Nantian. The reference price for ST92195C781/MSP can be found by referring to infineon tech or Nantian's listings. For detailed parameters and understanding its functionality, you can refer to the ST92195C781/MSP datasheet PDF and pin diagram description that are available for download.

The ST92195C781/MSP has a wide range of applications as outlined in DSP Datasheet PDF. To further understand how it works, you can find usage methods along with circuit diagrams within these resources. For comprehensive electronics tutorials on using this component, these documents should prove highly beneficial.

All relevant information including datasheets, pin diagrams, circuit diagrams and tutorials related to ST92195C781/MSP could be downloaded from Nantian's platform.

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Product Details

Introduction to ST92195C7B1/MSP from STMicroelectronics

The ST92195C7B1/MSP by STMicroelectronics is a high-potential, industry-leading microcontroller unit (MCU) that plays a pivotal role in electronics and systems that require sophisticated control mechanisms. It’s produced by the renowned manufacturer, STMicroelectronics, who is globally recognized for their advanced semiconductors, and systems that enhance the function of electronic devices across various sectors.

Core Features of the ST92195C7B1/MSP

This microcontroller stands out due to its exceptional features that enhance its efficiency and functionality. ST92195C7B1/MSP is designed with a powerful core, advanced peripherals, and enriched with superior memory capacity.

  • The ST92195C7B1/MSP sports a powerful CPU core that is based on the high-performing CISC architecture which offers it the ability to professionally handle complex tasks and operations.

  • This microcontroller possesses an impressive memory system. It incorporates both ROM and RAM, each offering substantial memory space, thus ensuring efficient and smooth operation.

  • ST92195C7B1/MSP also includes multiple peripherals. These additional features, such as timers, communication interfaces, and ports, enhance the device’s flexibility and make it applicable in various electronic systems.

Applications and Uses of the ST92195C7B1/MSP

Owing to its cutting-edge technology and versatile design, the ST92195C7B1/MSP is highly applicable in various sectors. It can be used effectively both in industrial and consumer electronics, from simple devices to complex systems.

  • Its robust processing capabilities make it ideal for controlling various industrial systems such as motor control, automation, and power management systems.

  • In consumer electronics, the ST92195C7B1/MSP can be applied in managing different functions in devices like televisions, home appliances, or personal computers due to its sophisticated control mechanisms.

ST92195C7B1/MSP Superior Quality and Performance

The ST92195C7B1/MSP embodies the quality and reliability that STMicroelectronics is renowned for. By incorporating this microcontroller into your electronic devices, you're assured of enhanced performance and durability.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the ST92195C7B1/MSP microcontroller by STMicroelectronics is a top-tier product with numerous features and an impressive track record for performance and reliability. Its versatility allows for broad applicability, making it a worthy addition to any electronics-related project or application.

STMicroelectronics is the manufacturer of the ST92195C781/MSP, which is available in stock at Nantian. The reference price for ST92195C781/MSP can be found by referring to infineon tech or Nantian's listings. For detailed parameters and understanding its functionality, you can refer to the ST92195C781/MSP datasheet PDF and pin diagram description that are available for download.

The ST92195C781/MSP has a wide range of applications as outlined in DSP Datasheet PDF. To further understand how it works, you can find usage methods along with circuit diagrams within these resources. For comprehensive electronics tutorials on using this component, these documents should prove highly beneficial.

All relevant information including datasheets, pin diagrams, circuit diagrams and tutorials related to ST92195C781/MSP could be downloaded from Nantian's platform.

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