Integrated Circuits (ICs) (ICs) designed for Clock/Timing - Real Time Clocks (RTCs) are specialized electronic components that serve as timekeeping devices with a high level of precision. These RTCs manage real-time tracking by continuously counting seconds, minutes, hours, days, and even year data. They are particularly beneficial in applications where time is critical, as they provide persistent time information even when the main device is turned off, thanks to a backup power source like a coin cell battery. Main functions also commonly include the ability to correct for leap years and the change between Daylight Saving Time and standard time.
Real Time Clocks are widely used in various applications, such as in computers, embedded systems, and consumer electronics, where they maintain system time, help in date stamping events, and manage wake-up alARMs for power-saving modes. They offer features such as low power consumption, which is crucial for battery-dependent devices, and the ability to maintain accurate time over extended periods, which is essential for data logs and timestamp functions. Manufacturers of these ICs include renowned industry leaders such as Maxim Integrated, Microchip Technology, STMicroelectronics, Texas Instruments, and NXP Semiconductors.