Diodes - Zener - Arrays are a specific category of electronic components that fall under the larger umbrella of Discrete Semiconductors. Essentially, these are arrays or groups of Zener diodes which are unique semiconductors allowing current to flow not only from its anode to its cathode, but also in the reverse direction when the Zener voltage is reached or exceeded. These arrays serve the primary function of voltage regulation, protection against voltage transients, and clipping and clamping circuits. By maintaining a constant voltage level, they effectively shield more sensitive components in the circuit from potential damage due to voltage spikes.
Zener diode arrays are designed for specific applications, such as power supply circuits, digital meters, and any other electronic device or circuitry that requires regulated power input. The main characteristics of these Zener diode arrays are their ability to regulate voltage, their tolerance to high power and their capacity to work even under high current flow. With these attributes, they are typically employed in fields like telecommunications, computing, and in various electronic devices. Some renowned manufacturers of Diodes - Zener - Arrays include Vishay, ON Semiconductor, Microsemi, and Diotec.