RF Diodes, also known as Radio Frequency Diodes, are a specialized category of discrete semiconductor devices designed to handle the unique demands of radio frequency signals. Their main function is to convert alternating current (AC), like radio signals, into direct current (DC). They perform key roles in specific applications such as signal detection, signal mixing, power detection, and serving as voltage variable capacitors. Ideally, RF Diodes are designed to operate at high frequencies and possess the ability to handle high power levels while maintaining efficiency and accuracy. Their inherent qualities make them essential components in RF communication systems, radar systems, and other high frequency electronic equipment.
RF Diodes are manufactured by leading semiconductor producers worldwide, including NXP Semiconductors, STMicroelectronics, ON Semiconductor, and Infineon Technologies. These manufacturers ensure that RF Diodes deliver the desired functionality reliably and with high precision. RF Diodes are diverse, with variants such as PIN diodes, Schottky diodes, Varactor diodes, and more. Each type brings unique characteristics to the table, whether it's speed, low noise, or variable capacitance, thus ensuring a broad utility across various applications.