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LVDT Transducers (Linear Variable Differential Transformer)

The Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is a type of electrical transformer used for measuring linear displacement (the change in position of an object). Its operation involves an alternating current principle. As the main function, it translates the linear motion of an object, upon which it is mechanically coupled, into a corresponding electrical signal which can be then converted into digital form for further processing. In essence, LVDT Transducers convert the physical motion into an electrical signal, which makes them vital in measurement and control systems.

LVDTs are designed and produced with specific applications in mind, including aircraft, satellites, nuclear reactors, hydropower plants, and many other environments where reliable, precise measurements are crucial. They are highly valued for their robustness, accuracy, repeatability, low hysteresis, and excellent resolution characteristics. Major manufacturers of LVDT Transducers include TE Connectivity, Honeywell, Sensata Technologies, and SKF Group.

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