Linear - Analog Multipliers and Dividers are specialized electronic components used to perform multiplication and division operations on analog signals. These devices take two analog inputs and produce an output that is the product or quotient of these inputs. They are essential for applications that require precise mathematical manipulation of continuous signals, such as modulation, signal conditioning, and audio processing. The main functions of these components include adjusting signal amplitudes, frequency mixing for signal generation, and creating complex signal-processing algorithms. They are characterized by their accuracy, bandwidth, linearity, and response time.
These components are commonly used in a range of applications such as automatic gain control systems, phase-locked loops, and in the medical field for ECG and EEG signal processing. Other uses involve their integration into various control systems and telecommunications equipment. They stand out for their ability to deliver high-precision results in real-time analog signal processing. Prominent manufacturers of Linear - Analog Multipliers and Dividers include Analog Devices Inc., Texas Instruments, Maxim Integrated, Linear Technology, and ON Semiconductor.