Integrated Circuits (ICs) (ICs) that fall under the category of Logic - Signal Switches, Multiplexers, and Decoders are essential components in digital electronics. These ICs handle the routing and control of signals within electronic devices. Signal Switches are used to turn signals on or off or to select between different signals. Multiplexers can funnel multiple input signals into a single line, effectively managing the flow of data in a compact form. Decoders, on the other hand, convert coded information into a recognizable form, typically taking a binary input and converting it into a specific output line.
These components are ubiquitous in the electronics world; they are used in various applications requiring precise control and distribution of electronic signals. For example, they're vital in communication systems, data processing equipment, and consumer electronics where efficient data handling and signal routing are necessary. Their characteristics often include high-speed operation, low power consumption, and the ability to handle a variety of digital signals. Notable manufacturers specializing in these types of logic ICs include Texas Instruments, NXP Semiconductors, Analog Devices, ON Semiconductor, and Toshiba.