Proximity or Occupancy Sensors, assembled as Finished Units, are special devices designed to detect the existence and presence of objects within a specific range without making any physical contact. These sophisticated gadgets serve crucial roles in numerous applications by recognizing the proximity or occupancy of an object and providing output signals for other systems to act upon. Functionally, they can detect all types of materials, regardless of whether they are solid, liquid, granular, or gaseous. Most proximity sensors emit an electromagnetic field or a beam of electromagnetic radiation, and their main function is to look for changes in the field or return signal.
Proximity/Occupancy Sensors - Finished Units are typically used in industrial applications to prevent accidents, streamline operational efficiency, and monitor processes. For instance, they are instrumental in preventing collision in transport systems, registering the count of items in conveyor belts, or sensing and monitoring liquid levels in industrial tanks. The main characteristic of these sensors is their reliability and accuracy in detection, as their functionality is not influenced by changes in the environment such as light, temperature, or vibrations. Manufactures of Proximity/Occupancy Sensors - Finished Units include renowned companies like Panasonic, Omron, Schneider Electric, and Honeywell, who are globally recognized for their technological advancements, reliable sensors, and seamless applications.