Thumbwheel switches are a type of electronic component that serves as an input device for various electronic circuits. They resemble a small wheel or dial that can be rotated or pressed to change its position, which in turn changes the output signal within a circuit. These switches are primarily used to input numerical values or to make selections within a fixed range of options. They feature a series of numbers or characters on the wheel, which are selected by the user to input the desired information. The main functions of thumbwheel switches include data entry, control adjustment, and setting digital parameters within devices.
The main uses of thumbwheel switches are found in industrial control systems, instrumentation panels, and consumer electronics where precise control or data input is required. They are known for their compact design, ease of use, and reliability, which make them suitable for settings where space is limited and quick adjustments are necessary. These switches are often seen in applications such as setting timers, entering combination locks, or configuring measurement devices. Some well-known manufacturers of thumbwheel switches include APEM, C&K Components, Grayhill Inc, and E-Switch.