Discrete Semiconductors Definition?
A discrete semiconductor is a type of semiconductor device that functions as a single unit, performing a basic electronic function. While integrated circuits contain multiple semiconductor devices connected to perform a complex function, discrete semiconductors represent the simplest form of semiconductor device, often implementing elementary electronic functions including signal rectification, amplification, modulation, and more.
As the name suggests, discrete semiconductors are individual or standalone components like diodes, transistors, and thyristors. They are typically used in circuits that handle large power or high frequencies. Consequently, discrete semiconductors require special packaging for heat dissipation and electrical insulation.
How do the Discrete Semiconductors work?
An important characteristic of discrete semiconductors is that they function independently and do not have subtracted or added features like in an integrated circuit (IC). For instance, the MOSFET (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor), a commonly known discrete semiconductor, forms the foundational building blocks of most electronic devices and circuits, thanks to its efficient performance in handling high current and voltage levels.
In short, a discrete semiconductor is a single electronic component that performs a basic function, broadly used in the electronics field, particularly for power and frequency-intensive applications. As one of the professional electronic components distributors, Nantian Electronics offers an extensive variety of discrete semiconductor products from leading manufacturers, ensuring a solution to cater to every unique requirement.