Transistors - Programmable Unijunction (PUT) are a type of electronic component that operates similarly to a unijunction transistor but, as the name suggests, can be programmed to suit specific electrical characteristics. Their main function is to provide a controllable switch in electronic circuits. When a certain voltage, set by the user, is applied, the PUT switches from a non-conductive state to a conductive state, allowing current to flow. This functionality is essential in timing circuits, oscillators, and pulse generation applications. Programmable Unijunction Transistors are known for their versatility, as they can be adjusted to a wide range of peak voltages, making them a go-to for designers needing precise control in their circuit designs.
These components are most commonly found in industrial control systems, lighting systems, and alARM circuits due to their reliability and customizability. They offer a cost-effective solution for circuits where a standard unijunction transistor won't suffice. Moreover, their ability to be programmed makes them adaptable for a range of applications, allowing for greater flexibility in circuit design. Several manufacturers of Transistors - Programmable Unijunction include ON Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, and Texas Instruments, among others.