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Motors, Solenoids, Driver Boards/Modules Definition?

Motors: These are electrical devices that convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. They work on the principle of electromagnetic induction, which involves the generation of a force across a conductive material moving in a magnetic field.

    - DC motors: Powered by direct current (like from a battery).

    - AC motors: Powered by alternating current (like from a wall outlet).

    - Servo motors: Provide precise control of angular or linear position.

    - Stepper motors: Move incrementally in steps for precise positioning.


Solenoids: A solenoid is a coil of wire in a corkscrew shape that is wrapped around a piston, often made of iron. As electricity passes through the coil, a magnetic field is created, which exerts an upward force on the piston and opens a valve. When the current is cut off, a spring in the assembly pushes the piston down, closing the valve.


Driver Boards/Modules: These are electronic devices that control and operate other devices. In the context of motors, a motor driver is a type of driver board that operates motors by controlling the direction and speed of the motor. Motor drivers act as an interface between the motor and the controlling unit, like a microcontroller or a computer. They receive low-voltage, low-current signals from the controller and convert them into high-voltage, high-current signals suitable for the motor to run.

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