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SiTime SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y

Manufacturer Part Number : SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y
Manufacturer : SiTime
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y.PDF SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y PDF
Download Datasheet : SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y Details.PDF SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y PDF
EDA / CAD Models : SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 970, New Original
1 156 5683756 SiTime/SIT8003AC-12-33E-33-00000Y 5683756

Introduction to SiTime's SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y

Manufactured by the reputable company SiTime, the SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y is an exceptional device, known for its high efficiency and durable performance. It is designed to offer top-level performance in various applications across different industries.

Key Features of SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y

The SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y integrates several key features that make it stand out among other similar devices. It is a testament to SiTime's innovative technology and attention to detail, maintaining high standards of performance and functionality.

  • The device boasts a frequency of 33.00000 MHz, offering efficient operations and high-speed performance.
  • It functions efficiently across a wide range of temperatures, testifying its reliability in various environmental conditions.
  • The device is designed with a voltage supply of 3.3V, indicating its energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness in operations.

Applications of the SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y

The versatility of the SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y is reflected in its wide range of applications. Its design and features make it highly suitable for various uses across different sectors.

  • It can be effectively used in telecommunications for signal transmission and network synchronization.
  • In digital electronics, it contributes to the functioning of integrated circuits and microcontrollers.
  • Its applications in the automotive industry cannot be overlooked, as it aids in electronic control units and navigational systems.

Durability and Reliability of the SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y

The SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y from SiTime is designed for durability and long-term reliability. Its robust construction and high-quality materials ensure that it can endure varying conditions while maintaining its performance.

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Product Details

Introduction to SiTime's SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y

Manufactured by the reputable company SiTime, the SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y is an exceptional device, known for its high efficiency and durable performance. It is designed to offer top-level performance in various applications across different industries.

Key Features of SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y

The SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y integrates several key features that make it stand out among other similar devices. It is a testament to SiTime's innovative technology and attention to detail, maintaining high standards of performance and functionality.

  • The device boasts a frequency of 33.00000 MHz, offering efficient operations and high-speed performance.
  • It functions efficiently across a wide range of temperatures, testifying its reliability in various environmental conditions.
  • The device is designed with a voltage supply of 3.3V, indicating its energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness in operations.

Applications of the SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y

The versatility of the SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y is reflected in its wide range of applications. Its design and features make it highly suitable for various uses across different sectors.

  • It can be effectively used in telecommunications for signal transmission and network synchronization.
  • In digital electronics, it contributes to the functioning of integrated circuits and microcontrollers.
  • Its applications in the automotive industry cannot be overlooked, as it aids in electronic control units and navigational systems.

Durability and Reliability of the SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y

The SIT8003AC-12-33E-33.00000Y from SiTime is designed for durability and long-term reliability. Its robust construction and high-quality materials ensure that it can endure varying conditions while maintaining its performance.

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