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SiTime SIT8008BI-73-18E

Manufacturer Part Number : SIT8008BI-73-18E
Manufacturer : SiTime
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : SIT8008BI-73-18E.PDF SIT8008BI-73-18E PDF
Download Datasheet : SIT8008BI-73-18E Details.PDF SIT8008BI-73-18E PDF
EDA / CAD Models : SIT8008BI-73-18E by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 1000, New Original
1 156 5683770 SiTime/SIT8008BI-73-18E 5683770

Introduction to SIT8008BI-73-18E

The SIT8008BI-73-18E is a robust, high performance programmable oscillator from the leading manufacturer, SiTime. It's part of the SiT8008 Series, and is known for its high stability, reliable operation, and extensive programmability features that are suitable for a wide spectrum of applications.

Key Features of SIT8008BI-73-18E

This device has been engineered with a range of significant features that sets it apart in the marketplace. From its superb frequency stability to its extensive voltage range, the SIT8008BI-73-18E is designed to deliver outstanding performance under varying conditions.

  • The SIT8008BI-73-18E boasts a Frequency Stability of ±20 PPM.
  • It comes with a Supply Voltage Vdd of 1.71 V to 3.63 V.
  • It supports a frequency range from 1 MHz to 110 MHz.
  • The device is designed with a Standby Mode which conservely saves on power.

Benefits of SIT8008BI-73-18E

Using the SIT8008BI-73-18E by SiTime can provide several advantages in your designs. It enables you to get a broad range of operating voltage and frequency range. These features make it highly adaptable, capable of being utilized in a wide range of applications like IoT devices, consumer electronics, industrial automation and more.

Summary of the SIT8008BI-73-18E

The SIT8008BI-73-18E is a highly versatile and reliable programmable oscillator that offers a wide frequency range, high stability, and robust performance. Manufactured by SiTime, it is a testament to their commitment to quality and innovation. Whether its purpose is for high-performance networking equipment or sophisticated consumer electronics, the SIT8008BI-73-18E will undoubtedly enhance device performance.

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Product Details

Introduction to SIT8008BI-73-18E

The SIT8008BI-73-18E is a robust, high performance programmable oscillator from the leading manufacturer, SiTime. It's part of the SiT8008 Series, and is known for its high stability, reliable operation, and extensive programmability features that are suitable for a wide spectrum of applications.

Key Features of SIT8008BI-73-18E

This device has been engineered with a range of significant features that sets it apart in the marketplace. From its superb frequency stability to its extensive voltage range, the SIT8008BI-73-18E is designed to deliver outstanding performance under varying conditions.

  • The SIT8008BI-73-18E boasts a Frequency Stability of ±20 PPM.
  • It comes with a Supply Voltage Vdd of 1.71 V to 3.63 V.
  • It supports a frequency range from 1 MHz to 110 MHz.
  • The device is designed with a Standby Mode which conservely saves on power.

Benefits of SIT8008BI-73-18E

Using the SIT8008BI-73-18E by SiTime can provide several advantages in your designs. It enables you to get a broad range of operating voltage and frequency range. These features make it highly adaptable, capable of being utilized in a wide range of applications like IoT devices, consumer electronics, industrial automation and more.

Summary of the SIT8008BI-73-18E

The SIT8008BI-73-18E is a highly versatile and reliable programmable oscillator that offers a wide frequency range, high stability, and robust performance. Manufactured by SiTime, it is a testament to their commitment to quality and innovation. Whether its purpose is for high-performance networking equipment or sophisticated consumer electronics, the SIT8008BI-73-18E will undoubtedly enhance device performance.

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