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SiTime SIT8102AC-33-33E-48

Manufacturer Part Number : SIT8102AC-33-33E-48
Manufacturer : SiTime
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : SIT8102AC-33-33E-48.PDF SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 PDF
Download Datasheet : SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 Details.PDF SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 PDF
EDA / CAD Models : SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 785, New Original
1 156 5683773 SiTime/SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 5683773

Introducing the SIT8102AC-33-33E-48

The SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 is a state-of-the-art programmable oscillator developed by the renowned manufacturer, SiTime. This device is designed to deliver precision timing solutions across various applications, using a MEMS resonator and programmable analog circuitry, packed into a compact surface mountable package.

Key Features of SIT8102AC-33-33E-48

One of the standout features of SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 is its frequency stability. This oscillator is capable of a stability range as impressive as ±50ppm, ensuring high performance and accuracy across a temperature range from -40°C to +85°C. This feature makes it highly suitable for a wide array of applications - from communication equipment to industrial electronics.

Furthermore, SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 operates on a supply voltage of 3.3V and can deliver output frequencies ranging from 1MHz to 80MHz, enabling compatibility with various devices and circuits.

Advantages of SIT8102AC-33-33E-48

  • This model has a typical start-up time of 10ms, which is significantly faster than quartz-based oscillators, resulting in quick response times.

  • With its low power consumption, it contributes to the overall energy efficiency of the devices it is incorporated into.

  • The SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 offers excellent resistance to shock and vibration, making it a robust choice for demanding environments.

Applications of SIT8102AC-33-33E-48

SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 finds utilization in a variety of applications. It can be used in high-speed data transfer devices such as routers and switches, as well as in telecommunications equipment due to its accurate and stable timing signals. In addition, it can also be used in test and measurement equipment, server and storage equipment, and industrial applications, owing to its adaptability and high performance.

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Product Details

Introducing the SIT8102AC-33-33E-48

The SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 is a state-of-the-art programmable oscillator developed by the renowned manufacturer, SiTime. This device is designed to deliver precision timing solutions across various applications, using a MEMS resonator and programmable analog circuitry, packed into a compact surface mountable package.

Key Features of SIT8102AC-33-33E-48

One of the standout features of SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 is its frequency stability. This oscillator is capable of a stability range as impressive as ±50ppm, ensuring high performance and accuracy across a temperature range from -40°C to +85°C. This feature makes it highly suitable for a wide array of applications - from communication equipment to industrial electronics.

Furthermore, SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 operates on a supply voltage of 3.3V and can deliver output frequencies ranging from 1MHz to 80MHz, enabling compatibility with various devices and circuits.

Advantages of SIT8102AC-33-33E-48

  • This model has a typical start-up time of 10ms, which is significantly faster than quartz-based oscillators, resulting in quick response times.

  • With its low power consumption, it contributes to the overall energy efficiency of the devices it is incorporated into.

  • The SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 offers excellent resistance to shock and vibration, making it a robust choice for demanding environments.

Applications of SIT8102AC-33-33E-48

SIT8102AC-33-33E-48 finds utilization in a variety of applications. It can be used in high-speed data transfer devices such as routers and switches, as well as in telecommunications equipment due to its accurate and stable timing signals. In addition, it can also be used in test and measurement equipment, server and storage equipment, and industrial applications, owing to its adaptability and high performance.

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