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STMicroelectronics ST72F324BK6T6,32

Manufacturer Part Number : ST72F324BK6T6,32
Manufacturer : STMicroelectronics
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : ST72F324BK6T6,32.PDF ST72F324BK6T6,32 PDF
Download Datasheet : ST72F324BK6T6,32 Details.PDF ST72F324BK6T6,32 PDF
EDA / CAD Models : ST72F324BK6T6,32 by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 7000, New Original
1 156 6358599 STMicroelectronics/ST72F324BK6T6-32 6358599

Introduction to ST72F324BK6T6,32 by STMicroelectronics

The ST72F324BK6T6,32 is an impressive microcontroller unit (MCU) from the renowned manufacturer, STMicroelectronics. This high-performance piece of technology exhibits robust efficiency and adaptability, making it suitable for a variety of embedded systems.

Key Features

This state-of-the-art microcontroller offers features that make it stand out in its category. Notably, it is equipped with the high-performance 8-bit ST7 CPU, providing superior computational power. Additionally, it contains a large amount of on-chip flash memory, offering users the flexibility to handle complex instructions and tasks.

  • High-performance 8-bit ST7 CPU
  • On-chip flash memory

Additional Specifications

The ST72F324BK6T6,32 also comes with multiple power-saving modes, which ensure efficient energy usage while maintaining optimal performance. It supports a wide range of peripheral functionalities, including but not limited to, a multifunction timer, a standard serial peripheral interface (SPI), and a sophisticated 4-channel, 10-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC).

  • Multiple power-saving modes
  • Wide range of peripheral functionalities
  • Sophisticated 4-channel, 10-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)


Given its robust set of features and high performance, the ST72F324BK6T6,32 Microcontroller is ideal for a wide variety of applications. It is commonly used in domains such as automotive electronics, industrial automation, smart appliances, and more. Its mix of power efficiency and computational prowess makes it a popular choice for engineers and developers worldwide.

  • Automotive electronics applications
  • Industrial automation
  • Practical use in designing smart appliances

Final Remarks

In conclusion, the ST72F324BK6T6,32 by STMicroelectronics offers remarkable performance and flexibility, making it an essential component in the world of embedded systems. It’s a testament to the continual dedication of STMicroelectronics towards innovative and efficient technological solutions.

STMicroelectronics is the manufacturer of the ST72F324BK6T6,32, which is available in stock at Nantian. The reference price for ST72F324BK6T6,32 can be found by referring to infineon tech or Nantian's listings. For detailed parameters and understanding its functionality, you can refer to the ST72F324BK6T6,32 datasheet PDF and pin diagram description that are available for download.

The ST72F324BK6T6,32 has a wide range of applications as outlined in DSP Datasheet PDF. To further understand how it works, you can find usage methods along with circuit diagrams within these resources. For comprehensive electronics tutorials on using this component, these documents should prove highly beneficial.

All relevant information including datasheets, pin diagrams, circuit diagrams and tutorials related to ST72F324BK6T6,32 could be downloaded from Nantian's platform.

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Product Details

Introduction to ST72F324BK6T6,32 by STMicroelectronics

The ST72F324BK6T6,32 is an impressive microcontroller unit (MCU) from the renowned manufacturer, STMicroelectronics. This high-performance piece of technology exhibits robust efficiency and adaptability, making it suitable for a variety of embedded systems.

Key Features

This state-of-the-art microcontroller offers features that make it stand out in its category. Notably, it is equipped with the high-performance 8-bit ST7 CPU, providing superior computational power. Additionally, it contains a large amount of on-chip flash memory, offering users the flexibility to handle complex instructions and tasks.

  • High-performance 8-bit ST7 CPU
  • On-chip flash memory

Additional Specifications

The ST72F324BK6T6,32 also comes with multiple power-saving modes, which ensure efficient energy usage while maintaining optimal performance. It supports a wide range of peripheral functionalities, including but not limited to, a multifunction timer, a standard serial peripheral interface (SPI), and a sophisticated 4-channel, 10-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC).

  • Multiple power-saving modes
  • Wide range of peripheral functionalities
  • Sophisticated 4-channel, 10-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)


Given its robust set of features and high performance, the ST72F324BK6T6,32 Microcontroller is ideal for a wide variety of applications. It is commonly used in domains such as automotive electronics, industrial automation, smart appliances, and more. Its mix of power efficiency and computational prowess makes it a popular choice for engineers and developers worldwide.

  • Automotive electronics applications
  • Industrial automation
  • Practical use in designing smart appliances

Final Remarks

In conclusion, the ST72F324BK6T6,32 by STMicroelectronics offers remarkable performance and flexibility, making it an essential component in the world of embedded systems. It’s a testament to the continual dedication of STMicroelectronics towards innovative and efficient technological solutions.

STMicroelectronics is the manufacturer of the ST72F324BK6T6,32, which is available in stock at Nantian. The reference price for ST72F324BK6T6,32 can be found by referring to infineon tech or Nantian's listings. For detailed parameters and understanding its functionality, you can refer to the ST72F324BK6T6,32 datasheet PDF and pin diagram description that are available for download.

The ST72F324BK6T6,32 has a wide range of applications as outlined in DSP Datasheet PDF. To further understand how it works, you can find usage methods along with circuit diagrams within these resources. For comprehensive electronics tutorials on using this component, these documents should prove highly beneficial.

All relevant information including datasheets, pin diagrams, circuit diagrams and tutorials related to ST72F324BK6T6,32 could be downloaded from Nantian's platform.

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