Thyristors - TRIACs

Thyristors - TRIACs are a type of semiconductor component widely used in the electronics industry for controlling power or current flow. Resembling an electronic switch, a TRIAC (Triode for Alternating Current) is a kind of thyristor that can conduct current in both directions when triggered. This makes it an ideal component for managing AC (alternating current) applications. Their main function is to control the amount of electrical power to a load, allowing devices to utilize varying levels of electricity as required. For example, they are key in dimming lights or controlling the speed of motors by adjusting the power phased into the circuit. They are favored for their robustness, efficiency, and the ability to handle high voltage and current.

TRIACs are commonly found in household appliances and industrial equipment due to their capacity to swiftly and effectively switch on and off, manage AC power levels, and provide safety by controlling unexpected current surges. Some characteristics that make TRIACs appealing include their low cost, compact size, and long operational life. Due to these features, they've become an essential component in applications such as light dimmers, speed controls for electric fans, power tools, and other electronic devices that require variable power settings. Notable manufacturers of Thyristors - TRIACs include STMicroelectronics, ON Semiconductor, Infineon Technologies, Littelfuse, and Vishay Intertechnology, among others.

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