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TDK Corporation NL453232T-181J

Manufacturer Part Number : NL453232T-181J
Manufacturer : TDK Corporation
Description :
Lead Free Status / RoHS Status : Lead free / RoHS Compliant
Datasheet : NL453232T-181J.PDF NL453232T-181J PDF
Download Datasheet : NL453232T-181J Details.PDF NL453232T-181J PDF
EDA / CAD Models : NL453232T-181J by SnapEDA
Stock Condition :In Stock 4000, New Original
1 156 6334195 TDK-Corporation/NL453232T-181J 6334195

Overview of the NL453232T-181J Inductor

The NL453232T-181J is a specialized electronic component produced by TDK Corporation, a leader in the electronic parts industry. This inductor is part of the NL series and is designed to be mounted directly onto a printed circuit board (PCB). It is commonly used to manage current flow and filter out noise in electronic circuits, ensuring devices operate smoothly and efficiently.

Electrical Specifications

With an inductance value of 180 microhenries (μH), indicated by the '181' in the part number, this inductor is capable of handling a substantial amount of energy. The 'J' at the end of the part number signifies a tolerance of ±5%, which means the inductance value can vary by this percentage and still maintain its functionality. This level of precision is suitable for a wide range of applications where consistent performance is necessary.

Physical Attributes

The NL453232T-181J has a compact form factor with dimensions of 4.5mm x 3.2mm x 3.2mm. This small size allows it to be used in applications where space is at a premium, such as in mobile devices or other portable electronics.

Operating Conditions

Designed to be robust, the NL453232T-181J can operate effectively in a temperature range from -40°C to +85°C. This makes it suitable for use in a variety of environments, from the controlled conditions of an office to the more extreme temperatures found in outdoor or industrial settings.


  • Power Management: It is used in power supplies to help stabilize voltage and current, ensuring that the device operates reliably.

  • Signal Processing: The inductor is also used in electronic circuits to filter out noise, which is vital for maintaining signal integrity in communication devices and audio equipment.

  • Compact Electronics: Its small size makes it ideal for use in space-constrained applications, including smartphones, tablets, and other portable gadgets.

Environmental Compliance

TDK Corporation is committed to environmental stewardship, and the NL453232T-181J is manufactured in compliance with industry environmental standards. This ensures that the inductor is not only high-performing but also minimizes its ecological footprint.

NL453232T-181J Ordering Information

TDK Corporation is the manufacturer of the NL453232T-181J, which is available in stock at Nantian. The reference price for NL453232T-181J can be found by referring to infineon tech or Nantian's listings. For detailed parameters and understanding its functionality, you can refer to the NL453232T-181J datasheet PDF and pin diagram description that are available for download.

The NL453232T-181J has a wide range of applications as outlined in DSP Datasheet PDF. To further understand how it works, you can find usage methods along with circuit diagrams within these resources. For comprehensive electronics tutorials on using this component, these documents should prove highly beneficial.

All relevant information including datasheets, pin diagrams, circuit diagrams and tutorials related to NL453232T-181J could be downloaded from Nantian's platform.

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Product Details

Overview of the NL453232T-181J Inductor

The NL453232T-181J is a specialized electronic component produced by TDK Corporation, a leader in the electronic parts industry. This inductor is part of the NL series and is designed to be mounted directly onto a printed circuit board (PCB). It is commonly used to manage current flow and filter out noise in electronic circuits, ensuring devices operate smoothly and efficiently.

Electrical Specifications

With an inductance value of 180 microhenries (μH), indicated by the '181' in the part number, this inductor is capable of handling a substantial amount of energy. The 'J' at the end of the part number signifies a tolerance of ±5%, which means the inductance value can vary by this percentage and still maintain its functionality. This level of precision is suitable for a wide range of applications where consistent performance is necessary.

Physical Attributes

The NL453232T-181J has a compact form factor with dimensions of 4.5mm x 3.2mm x 3.2mm. This small size allows it to be used in applications where space is at a premium, such as in mobile devices or other portable electronics.

Operating Conditions

Designed to be robust, the NL453232T-181J can operate effectively in a temperature range from -40°C to +85°C. This makes it suitable for use in a variety of environments, from the controlled conditions of an office to the more extreme temperatures found in outdoor or industrial settings.


  • Power Management: It is used in power supplies to help stabilize voltage and current, ensuring that the device operates reliably.

  • Signal Processing: The inductor is also used in electronic circuits to filter out noise, which is vital for maintaining signal integrity in communication devices and audio equipment.

  • Compact Electronics: Its small size makes it ideal for use in space-constrained applications, including smartphones, tablets, and other portable gadgets.

Environmental Compliance

TDK Corporation is committed to environmental stewardship, and the NL453232T-181J is manufactured in compliance with industry environmental standards. This ensures that the inductor is not only high-performing but also minimizes its ecological footprint.

NL453232T-181J Ordering Information

TDK Corporation is the manufacturer of the NL453232T-181J, which is available in stock at Nantian. The reference price for NL453232T-181J can be found by referring to infineon tech or Nantian's listings. For detailed parameters and understanding its functionality, you can refer to the NL453232T-181J datasheet PDF and pin diagram description that are available for download.

The NL453232T-181J has a wide range of applications as outlined in DSP Datasheet PDF. To further understand how it works, you can find usage methods along with circuit diagrams within these resources. For comprehensive electronics tutorials on using this component, these documents should prove highly beneficial.

All relevant information including datasheets, pin diagrams, circuit diagrams and tutorials related to NL453232T-181J could be downloaded from Nantian's platform.

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