Thyristors, DIACs (Diode for Alternating Current), and SIDACs (Silicon Diode for Alternating Current) are components within the discrete semiconductor products family, designed primarily for controlling and regulating current flow in electronic circuits. These solid-state devices are capable of switching and amplifying electrical currents, making them essential for a variety of power control and conversion applications. The main function of DIACs is to trigger thyristors by allowing current to flow after its breakdown voltage is exceeded in either polarity, while SIDACs are similar but can handle higher power applications. They are frequently utilized in light dimming circuits, motor control systems, and as a trigger device for more powerful thyristors, ensuring stable and controlled electrical performance.
The main uses of these thyristors range from small-scale household devices to industrial machines, due to their characteristic ability to handle sudden high power loads and provide controlled rectification of current. DIACs and SIDACs are integral in creating smooth activation of more complex thyristors, thus facilitating the efficient management of alternating currents in myriad electrical devices. Manufacturers known for producing Thyristors, DIACs, and SIDACs include STMicroelectronics, Littelfuse, ON Semiconductor, and Vishay Intertechnology.