Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - RF are specialized electronic components designed to handle high-frequency signals typically found in radio frequency (RF) applications. These transistors operate by using an electric field to control the shape and hence the conductivity of a 'channel' in a semiconductor material, allowing them to amplify or switch electronic signals. The main function of RF MOSFETs is to modulate, amplify, and switch signals in devices that operate in the radio frequency spectrum, ranging from a few megahertz to several gigahertz. Their quick switching speeds and high efficiency make them ideal for wireless communication, radar systems, broadcast transmitters, and RF power amplifiers.
These transistors are characterized by their ability to operate at high frequencies, with minimal power loss and a high input impedance, which makes them very sensitive to input signals. Additionally, they offer high efficiency, which is crucial in RF applications where power conservation is essential. The main uses of RF MOSFETs span various sectors including telecommunications, where they are pivotal in enabling cellular and satellite communications, military equipment for secure and reliable communication, consumer electronics like radios and GPS devices, and in industrial applications for remote sensing and teLEMetry. Notable manufacturers of Transistors - FETs, MOSFETs - RF include Infineon, NXP Semiconductors, Cree (Wolfspeed), Analog Devices Inc., and Qorvo.