Diodes - Rectifiers - Single are specialized electronic components designed to allow electrical current to pass in only one direction, effectively acting as a one-way valve within electronic circuits. Their main function is to convert alternating current (AC), which reverses direction periodically, into direct current (DC), which flows steadily in one direction. This process is known as rectification. These components are essential in various electronic devices for power supply regulation, ensuring that sensitive electronic components receive a steady and reliable source of power.
Single rectifier diodes are widely used in numerous applications, such as in power adapters for consumer electronics, battery charging systems, and as protection devices in circuits. They are characterized by their ability to handle high current and voltage, durability, and efficiency in conducting electricity in the intended manner while blocking it in the opposite direction. Some well-known manufacturers of Diodes - Rectifiers - Single include ON Semiconductor, Vishay Intertechnology, STMicroelectronics, Infineon Technologies, and Texas Instruments.