Diodes - RF, or Radio Frequency diodes, are specialized electronic components designed to operate at the higher frequencies used in radio communication. Their main function is to allow current to pass in one direction while blocking it in the opposite direction, a process known as rectification. However, due to their construction, they are optimized for use at the radio frequencies where conventional diodes might not perform effectively. This capability is essential in applications such as mixing signals, detecting signals, or in frequency conversion which are common in radio and microwave communications systems.
The main uses of RF diodes include acting as rectifiers in power supplies for RF circuits, protecting against high-frequency signal transients, and serving as essential components in the demodulation of RF signals in receivers. Their characteristics such as low capacitance, fast switching speed, and the ability to handle high-frequency signals distinguish them from ordinary diodes and make them suitable for these high-frequency applications. Notable manufacturers of RF diodes include companies like Infineon Technologies, MACOM, Microsemi, NXP Semiconductors.