Diodes - Zener - Single are a specific type of electronic component designed to manage voltage levels within circuits. They are built to allow current to flow in the forward direction just like a standard diode, but they can also permit current in the reverse direction when the voltage rises above a predetermined level known as the Zener voltage. This unique feature makes them essential for protecting circuits by providing a stable reference voltage, preventing overvoltage conditions, and regulating voltage in power supplies. Their ability to maintain a consistent voltage across a wide range of currents makes them a versatile component in various electronic devices.
These Zener diodes are commonly used in situations where voltage regulation is crucial, such as in power supply units, voltage-sensitive circuits, and as simple voltage references. Thanks to their stability and reliability, they are integral in ensuring the smooth operation of electronics by protecting sensitive components from electrical damage. Some well-known manufacturers of Diodes - Zener - Single include ON Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, Vishay Intertechnology, Diodes Incorporated, and Texas Instruments.