Thyristors - SCRs, or Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, are a type of discrete semiconductor product, designed to control and rectify current in electrical systems. These components act as switches that can conduct electricity once a gate signal is applied, and continue to do so until the current falls below a certain threshold. SCRs are renowned for their ability to handle high voltages and currents, making them indispensable in circuits that require precise control of power. They are often used in motor control, voltage regulation, and in power conversion systems, which are essential in industrial settings, consumer electronics, and automotive applications.
The main draws of using SCRs are their reliability, efficiency in controlling alternating currents, and their capacity to manage substantial power levels without degradation of performance. These characteristics make them a fundamental component in power electronics where robustness and precision are paramount. Several reputable manufacturers that produce Thyristors - SCRs include Infineon, Littelfuse, ON Semiconductor, STMicroelectronics, and Vishay.